I just read from one of the magazine... and find-out one interesting column about words...with only 26 letters in the English alphabet, the combination to form words can get interesting, they give an examples:
- "Aegilops" - is the longest word with letters in alphabetical oerder. It means goat grass.
- "Queuing" - has the longest run of vowels.
- "Swims" - is the longest word with 180 degree symmetry.
- "Stressed & Dessertes" - are the longest words which can be reversed.
- "Esophagographers" - is the longest word wich all letters appear twice. It refers to people experienced in radio-graphic visualization of the oesophagus using a swallowed radiopaque contrast medium.
- "Strenghts" - is the longest word that has only one vowel.
- "Stewardesses" - is the longest word that can be type with the left hand.
- "Dermatologyphics" - the longest word without repeating letter. It refers to the study of skin markings & patterns on fingers, hands and feet.
- "Latchstring" - has the longest run of consonants.
- "Screeched" - is the longest one-syllable word.
- "Honorificabilitudinitatibus" - is the longest word to alternate consonants & vowels.
I don't even think about it if I'm not reading... ^_^...