Monday, November 16, 2009

History About Our Prophet Muhammad p.b.u.h

::Chapter 2:: The Youth

From the time of our beloved Prophet Muhammad (p.b.u.h) youth, he believed firmly in the oneness of God. Prophet Muhammad (p.b.u.h) lived simple life and hated vanity and pride. He was compassionate to the poor, widows and orphans and shared thier sufferings by helping them. Our beloved Prophet Muhammad (p.b.u.h) avoided all immoral acts, which were commonplace among young people, such as gambling, dringking, and vulgarity. He was known as As-Siddiq (the truthful) and Al-Amin (the trustworthy). He was always trusted to be a mediator between cnflicting parties in his honeland, Makkah.

...(-_-)...can we as a youth do this?... can we?... InsyaAllah... people can change... as long as we want it... there's phrase said: "where there's a will there's a way..." ...don't waste our precious age as a youth... perform at your best...! Gambate..! hait! =(^^)v=
source by The Quran Translated:: over at last..>!

as i wrote yesterday...i'm gonna seek for the exam...Alhamdulillah... it's already DONE...! and now just patiently wait for the result... and i'm gonna pray to Allah that everything gonna be just fine...InsyaAllah..

hey guys..!... the readers of my blogs...! i'm gonna proceed with the story of History of our beloved Prophet Muhammad (p.b.u.h)... dont miss to read it... arasso?!...=(^_^)=

i'll catch you later... (^^)v

Sunday, November 15, 2009

InsyaAllah... Tomorrow never dies...(o__o)

esok... i'm gonna seek for 1 more exam paper..this is the last and least for this part...hurm.. what would the question gonna be...?... i wonder... I pray to Allah... hoping for me and my friendz (nurul, ila, liz, fad, & far)...will do the best for this paper..!... FRIENDZ!!!..let's us fight with all we have...! ok?... May Allah bless all of us... May He guide us to the right path... InsyaAllah... Semoga Allah mempermudahkan segala urusan kita semua...Ameen..(-__-)...

p/s: for those who read this... please take a few minutes raise-up your hand and your sincerely heart...with love... together pray to Allah for the SUCCESSNESS on earth and hereafter...................and a bunch of thanks for doing so.. may Allah grant you guys with all the good things... =(^_^)=....luv ya!

Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Do i have any choice?...(!__!) guess...

i'm not willing to...wua3!!!... help me! help me!....da mula start training!!!!...xnak xnak xnak... i wann be like run away bride right a way!!!!!... but i couldn't...pasrah...sedey tul...=(!___!)=...i'll always pray for the best....Allah knows better than us right?... InsyaAllah.. Allah knows well what we need... He'll take care of us... Alhamdulillah..

Monday, November 9, 2009


just wanna share wif you guys... exam paper just now quite tough!... fuh!... crying inside!!!...wanna know what paper is it?... FORMAL METHOD in Software Development Specification....wua3!!!.. i scared of being extending the part... NO! shouldn't be!... couldn't be!... dun ever you think of it!....arasso?!...=(|_|)=...i pray to Allah that everything will gonna be just fine... InsyaAllah... =(^_^)=... SUNSHINE...!

Saturday, November 7, 2009

Lirik Sakha

:: - Baik & Buruk - ::                      

Bergetar hati ini...
bila menyebut asma Mu ya Allah
betapa besar kurnia Mu...
begitu banyak yg telah Engkau beri

MANUSIA dapat membedakan
mana yang baik atau pun yang buruk
kerana ALLAH memberikan
petunjuk kitab suci Al-Quran

sesungguhnya manusia berada dalam
kecuali org yg beriman &
selalu beramal soleh

Subhanallah maha suci Allah
Alhamdulillah puji bagi Allah

HIDUP ini sementara
jangan kau sia-siakan
berbuatlah KEBAIKAN
agar kita tak salah jalan

hope this will help you a lot...improving ourselves to a better muslim...for the sake of ALLAH... 
InsyaAllah...(Allah sentiasa mengizinkan perkara yang baik) =(^_^)=

Thursday, November 5, 2009

History About Our Prophet Muhammad p.b.u.h

::Chapter 1 - The Birth::

Prophet Muhammad p.b.u.h was born in Makkah, Arabia. His mother, Aminah, was the daughter of Wahb son of Abd Manaf of the Zuhrah family. His father, Abdullah, was the son of Abdul Muttalib. His geneology has been traced back in roughly forty generations to the noble house of Ishmael, the son of Abraham.

Prophet Muhammad's father had died before his birth, and his mother died when he was about six years old, making an orphan.

In accordance with the tradition of the noble families of Makkah, he was cared for in his infancy by a foster mother in a remote village. He lived with his foster mother, Halimah, for a few years, during which, he was taken to Makkah several times to visits his mother. After the death of his mother, he was placed under the custody of his grandfather, Abdul Muttalib. When his grandfather died, he came under the care of his uncle, Abu Talib. During this time, he used to  tend sheep around Makkah and accompany his uncle on trade journey to Syria.

It comes to my mind to write something that would benefit the readers of my blogs... so i start with the story of our beloved Prophet Muhammad p.b.u.h (peace be upon him)... ^_^... as our Prophet says: "...spread my words even though a words..."
and I'm hoping that this should works..^_^..
source by The Quran Translated::

Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Exam Week

Since this is the exam week for all undergraduates in Malaysia's universities... i would like to wish ALL THE BEST!!! May Allah Bless All of Us... Aja Aja Fighthing!... Pray and fight for The Successness!!!...