Be Good...
Be good to your Islam,
Be good to your Muhammad,
Be good to your parents,
Be good to your broters and sisters,
Be good to your auntie and uncle,
Be good to your neighbour,
Be good to your teacher,
Be good to your friends,
Be good to yourself,
and InsyaAllah Allah will be good to you.
Is it important to be good?...
Yes of course!
you might be don't see the impact on you now,
but you'll understand,
as the time goes by...
and once you understand it,
you'll automatically
will be good to everything around you...
even to a very little creature...(^^,)...
Have a nice Ramadhan!
calculator owh calculator,
why do you do this to me?
why you leave me when i need you the most?
where were you when i miss you so much?
you promise me that you will always stand by me
for whatever reason it is...
but now... you don't keep your words!
calculator owh calculator,
the day you leave me,
i feel lost,
i look for you everywhere...
i look for you the whole night...
but you are not there...
i am sad...worrying...
i wonder...
what would my live be without you
i am totally dead...
until i meet you again...
you had change my live... i feel relief!
calculator owh calculator...
thank you for save the day!!!
actually i got a quiz tomorrow and my calculator is dead (battery exhausted!) ...(@_@)!...
"you don't understand me...?"
you said that i don't understand you?...
so, i guest you understand me more huh?!
so, you know me well?
you know what i really want?
you know what is in the world i want and need the most?
and you said i don't understand you?...
hurm, to be truth...
i really want you to understand me more than i do...
so, i pretend that i never understand you..
but then you said that i don't understand you?...
hurm...what else can i say...
is this brain image got something to do with UNDERSTANDING ramble?... you'll decide...will you?...he3...(^^.)v..