Alo alo my lovely readers… ak rasa statistk readers ak dah slightly down….~~GONG~~… (sape suruh buat entry bowsan kn… hohoho…(T_T)???)
Aiyak!.... but it’s ok… as long as I’m alive.. I will write whatever I like.. (ape la yg ak merapu ni kn.. adoooii~~~(~.~)???)
Hey, I wanna tell you guys…. This is FINAL_EXAM weeks for all UNiSZAs… so all the best guys!.... Gambate Kudasai!.... well… this is my last final exam too.. hopefully… insyaAllah.. hehee.. scary la juge~~~
Here is my exam schedule:
22/11/10 - 11.30-2.00 Data Mining [Othman 03]
24/11/10 - 11.30-2.00 Web Application Security [Aishah 08]
29/11/10 - 2.30-5.00 Special Topics [Dewan Al-Mukhtafibillah Shah]
how was it???... rase jeles tak???... 3 subjects jer kn... wuhuhuhu... tp killer beb... sbb supersenior kn.. 3 subjects + final year project... = bule kiok~~~...erk!... die~~~...(#_#)!?
Is it necessary to mention the exam schedule here??... urghh!... (suka hati I lah.. tak cakap pape pun)… hihihi…(>.<)???
I’m having a dinner now… pasni bukak nota data mining mari balajar guys yg berkaitan!... :P … nampak tak jadual exam ak tu ade function??... yeay! .. ermm…. Having a dinner while updating with a new entry???.. wooww… a multitasking is happening here~~~…nge~~~… sape lgi nk puji diri sendiri kalu bukan diri sendiri…. Wakakaka..
Ok that’s it… I think I’m done. InsyaAllah… the new entry is about data mining… gong~~~… hopefully I can make it… ngehngehngeh…
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ini bukan kopi 'o' roti keping tuna mayonis yer... (^^) ... |
p/s: tak dpt nk amk gmbar meals dinner.. camera da takde... adik ak da amik... nk guna... final sem katenyer... wuaaaa~~~
ReplyDeletethis entry is sooo cute~
gambatte zimah~! :)
zhiexi mmg cute..oopsss..minum kopi o + rpti keping tuna mayonis..nyum nyum..layari tenet smbl goyg kaki..di musim hujan..huhuhu..